Marin Transit

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Revision as of 14:37, 18 December 2008 by Andy (talk | contribs)

Marin Transit provides local transit within Marin County. Most Marin Transit routes are contracted to and operated as a part of Golden Gate Transit. Community Shuttle and West Marin Stagecoach other services provided by Marin Transit.

Marin Transit Community Shuttle routes

<tab sep=comma cellspacing=5> 221, Twin Cities Shuttle, San Clemente Park - Bon Air Shopping Center 233, Santa Venetia Shuttle, San Rafael Transit Center - Santa Venetia 259, Marinwood - Terra Linda Shuttle, Marin Civic Center - Marinwood (Miller Creek Road/101) </tab>

West Marin Stagecoach routes

<tab sep=comma cellspacing=5> 61, South Route, Bolinas - Marin City Transit Center 62, Coastal Route, Point Reyes - Stinson Beach 68, North Route, Inverness - San Rafael Transit Center </tab>